Dubai arabic dialect
Dubai arabic dialect

We find this as a very encouraging result. Though a complex dialect, we have obtained an 81.6% accuracy with the MLP network and 89.5% accuracy with the CNN. A painstaking pre-processing of a corpus of such comments is done, and two neural network models, MLP and CNN, are trained to classify comments as negative, neutral or positive. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) fuS-Ha is the. As a language with various and sometimes wholly distinct accents and dialects, it can be complex and intimidating, but also lyrical and beautiful. Classical Arabic (CA) or Quranic Arabic is more common in literature and writing.It is the language used in the Holy Quran as well as ancient literary texts from the 7th century AD to the 9th century AD. Arabic is spoken by around 420 million people worldwide and is the official language of the UAE. Facebook being widely used in the Arab world, and in Algeria more specifically, we are interested in this paper in the SA of Algerian users’ comments on various Facebook pages. The Arabic language is classified into three different forms: Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic and Dialectal (Colloquial) Arabic.


The processing of this dialect is made even more complex with the frequent code switching by its speakers between Arabic and Latin letters. These efforts have been more focused during the last couple of years on Arabic dialects and, to a lesser extent, on the dialects of the Maghreb region, even less on the Algerian Dialect (AlgD). In recent years, researchers on Arabic NLP have made some good effort tackling the problem of SA. As such, tools are clearly needed to analyse peoples’ opinions on and reviews of the various products, feedback on events, etc. Social media platforms are currently exploited by many companies as a major channel to advertise and sell products. This has rapidly opened the door for the development of social media and the large interaction between users in all walks of life. The growth of Web 2.0 has given all internet users the additional power of “interactivity, interoperability, and collaboration. It is currently a very active research area in NLP. Sentiment Analysis (SA) focuses on the study and analysis of peoples’ opinions, sentiments and emotions based on written language.

Dubai arabic dialect